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AFHK depends nearly exclusively on donations and membership fees to cover our costs and continue with our outreach and support programs, so your loyalty is particularly important.

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*Amount ($HKD)
*Would you like to be listed as a donor on AFHK's website?
Here are a few examples of activities you can sponsor:
  • A year of Panel Discussions for parents and professionals to learn and grow: $5000 HKD
  • A half-year of Panel Discussions for parents and professionals to learn and grow: $2500 HKD
  • A year of film nights for adoptive/waiting families and adult adoptees to watch and discuss: $2000 HKD
  • A year of parent support meetings (2-3 small group meetings) so that parents can find support and education on best adoption practices: $1000 HKD
  • Video curriculum and webinars to provide important adoption or attachment/trauma-related information and training to parents, professionals, and anyone who would benefit: $750 HKD
  • A scholarship to subsidise an AFHK membership for a foster parent or a single parent: $500 HKD

Donations of $100 HKD or more are tax deductible. A receipt will be sent to you via email.

We are very grateful for your support.

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