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Chair's message: Welcome to the start of a new AFHK season!

Monday, August 06, 2012 2:14 PM | Anonymous member

Dear Members and Friends,

Welcome back!  I hope you and your families had some restful and happy times over the summer wherever you were.  This year AFHK are beginning the Autumn season with a bang!

On Wednesday, the 19thof September (just 4 weeks away), we will welcome Australian social worker, adoptive parent of 6, and educator Janette Pepall to Hong Kong for a special series of events.

That evening, Janette will give the keynote address, "'Yes, They Are All Ours!': Reflections on a Parenting Journey including Birth, Fostering and Adoption”, at our Annual Dinner. Tickets are available here  and the Early Bird price has been extended until 31stAugust!

Meanwhile, the series will have already begun that morning, with a Case Consultation Workshop for Professionals involved with adoption and fostering, led by Janette and supported by Erica Liu Wollin, Ph.D., our in-house psychologist and adoptive parent.

On Thursday morning, Janette and Erica will present AFHK's first-ever Domestic Helpers Training on Adoption Sensitivity, along with a post-training debriefing/bag-lunch for Employers on Friday midday.

Just a note on the Helper training: We have been asked many times over by our members to provide this kind of workshop, so we are thrilled now to offer it with Janette, who has trained childcare providers working in orphanages and foster homes all over the world. Don't miss this opportunity.  The training will arm your helper with positive adoption language to cope with curious, intrusive questions about your children.  It will also provide vital, basic information about adoption and about attachment.  We also strongly recommend that you attend the de-briefing on Friday so you can assist your helper to use and reinforce the skills we will teach them.

Finally, on Thursday evening, Janette will lead a special Parent Support Meeting entitled – “Education and its Joys and Challenges for Children of Adoption.

Early Bird pricing for ALL EVENTS IN THE SERIES has been extended until 31stAugust, so please click here for more information and to purchase your tickets.

I especially want to thank all our volunteers who have worked so hard over the summer organizing these events, improving the Web site, answering enquiries etc.  Also a heartfelt thank you for all your generous donations which have enabled us to bring these events to you this Autumn.

We always need help, so please consider AFHK when looking for something interesting and fulfilling to do with your free time.  You can help at a single event, by offering your IT or marketing skills or even join our Steering Committee. Many hands make light(er) work! So please do come and create a caring, fun and informative organization.

Next year we will be celebrating our 20thAnniversary, so watch this space!

Looking forward to seeing you all at some of the events in September.

Mina Weight
Chair and External Relations

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